Radiotelegramm von Otto Skall in Lemberg an die IKG Wien betreffend einer Intervention wegen Heimkehr



Document Text

  1. German

Wien, den 10. Jänner 1940

0653 LWOW 600 25 7 1745 Verzögert in UDSSR

ELT Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien

Teilnehmer beider Niskotransporte erbitten dringend notwendige Intervention wegen rascher Heimkehr nur von dort Weiterreise möglich Einreisen teilweise vorhanden

Otto Skall hauptpostlagernd

an Amtsvorstand Engel

je 1 Abschrift an Dr. Murmelstein

Original an Dr. Löwenherz


  • Updated 1 month ago
Austria was occupied and annexed by the German Reich in March 1938. Many Austrians welcomed this “Anschluss”, after which they were treated as Germans. On April 10, 1938, the “Act on the Reunification of Austria with the German Reich” was recognized by a referendum. Austria was integrated into the general administration of the German Reich and subdivided into seven Reichsgaue in 1939. In 1945, the Red Army took Vienna and eastern parts of the country, while the Western Allies occupied the wester...

Archive of the Jewish Community of Vienna

  • Archive IKG Vienna
  • Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde (IKG) Wien
  • Austria
  • Desider-Friedmann-Platz 1
  • Vienna
  • Updated 1 year ago